This example demonstrates how to acquire, log, and plot data using the VISA Publisher plugin and the Multiple Charts plugin.

The VISA Publisher will run in simulation mode so no hardware is required. The VISA Publisher plugin allows us to collect data from sensors connected to essentially any peripheral port (ex. Serial, Ethernet, USB, GPIB, etc.). If you are using a raw data acquisition device, such as an NI data acquisition device, see the Acquire, Log, and Plot Sensor Data with NI Data Acquisition example which uses the NI DAQmx AI plugin instead of the VISA Publisher plugin.
User Interface
Let’s break down everything we’ll see in the interface when opening and running this example.
JADE Manager
First, when we open the example we’ll see the two plugin instances populated in the JADE Manager

JADE Supervisor
When we run the application, we see the Supervisor:

VISA Publisher Plugin Instance: Sensor Data
The VISA Publisher plugin interface also displays (panel configured to show when run), which shows the data collected & published from the sensor (top section of its interface) as well as the log string (configured as CSV in this case; bottom section of its interface):

Multiple Charts Plugin Instance: Sensor Chart
The Multiple Charts plugin interface also displays (panel configured to show when run) which shows the single chart we defined for this example to render the sensor data:

Key Configuration Details
In this simple example, the VISA Publisher plugin runs in simulation mode and publishes a random value between 0 and 1 at 1 Hz, which is consumed and displayed by our Multiple Charts plugin. In this section we’ll break down the key bits of configuration for those plugins used in this example.
VISA Publisher Plugin Instance: Sensor Data
We simply used the default configuration for the VISA Publisher initially, however we could easily turn off simulation mode and update the port connection information.
Configuring Connection Info & Simulation Mode
Below is the connectionConfiguration
configuration for the VISA Publisher where notice the SimulationMode
is set to true
"options": {
"simulationLoopDelay": 1000,
"simulationResponse": "RAND(0,1)",
"responseRegex": "(.+)",
"publishDataFormat": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"Type": "Serial",
"SimulationMode": true, // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"Address": "COM1",
"Timeout": 2000,
"TerminationEnable": true,
"TerminationCharacter": "\n",
"TrimResponseWhiteSpace": true,
"BytesToRead": 1000,
"BaudRate": 9600,
"DataBits": 8,
"StopBits": "1.0",
"Parity": "None",
"FlowControl": "None",
"ReadToFileEnable": false,
"ReadToFilePath": "",
"ReadToFileAppendEnable": true,
"ReadToFileReturnData": true,
"DuplicateSession": false,
"AccessMode": "VISA Defaults"
"logger": {
"panel": {
"channel": {
Handling Data & Simulation Details
Next, let’s focus on the simluationLoopDelay
, simulationResponse
, and responseRegex
"options": {
"simulationLoopDelay": 1000, // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"simulationResponse": "RAND(0,1)", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"responseRegex": "(.+)", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"publishDataFormat": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"logger": {
"panel": {
"channel": {
Notice the simulationResponse
configuration is set to RAND(0,1)
to generate a random number between 0 and 1. This simulates the value returned by the sensor. Some sensors return more than one value, but we keep it simple for this example.
In order to process this incoming data, we specify a regular expression with the responseRegex
which is configured to be (.+)
which simply matches 1 or more characters where the outer parentheses captures the matched content. We would make this regular expression more sophisticated if more data was returned by this sensor, but this suffices for this example.
The simulationLoopDelay
is set to 1000
(a value in milliseconds) so that publishing occurs at 1 Hz
. Generally the VISA Publisher plugin publishes data as it arrives, matching the actual sampling rate of the sensor.
Defining Data to Publish
Finally, let’s also look at the publishDataFormat
and specifically its value
"options": {
"simulationLoopDelay": 1000,
"simulationResponse": "RAND(0,1)",
"responseRegex": "(.+)",
"publishDataFormat": {
"instanceName": "@VAR{instanceName}",
"msTick": "Integer:(@VAR{msTick})",
"timestamp": "Float:(@VAR{timestamp})",
"numSamples": "Integer:(@VAR{numSamples})",
"value": "Float:(@VAR{submatch[0]})" // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"connectionConfiguration": {
"logger": {
"panel": {
"channel": {
Observe that the publishDataFormat
is JSON. This makes it easy for subscribers, such as our Multiple Charts plugin instance, to consume the data.
Next, let’s notice that the value
within the publishDataFormat
is set to Float:(@VAR{submatch[0]})
which is the captured number acquired from the sensor. This bit of syntax has two key parts:
part is a variable which resolves to the value captured by the regular expression. Thesubmatch
variable is always provided by this plugin as an array of the matches to ourresponseRegex
, where the matches correspond to our parenthetical groups in the regular expression. If we had captured multiple values, there would be othersubmatch
values and we would use indexes beyond0
. -
part instructs JADE to interpret the value inside parentheses as a floating point value. This effectively ensures that that the published JSON will not use quotes"
around the value (i.e. treating it as anumber
type in JSON vs astring
Here’s an example of the published data copied directly from the VISA Publisher plugin interface, where we see how the other variables used in the publishDataFormat
"value": 0.2900404374107213,
"msTick": 50078001.0,
"timestamp": 3815894589.064518,
"numSamples": 3706.0,
"instanceName": "Sensor Data"
Formatting Log File Data
Finally, let’s take a look at the logger
configuration and the resulting file data. Below is the logger configuration where we observe that the StartLogFormat
is set to Timestamp,Value
and the LogMessageFormat
is set to \n@VAR{timestamp},@PUB{value}
. This sets up the logger to log CSV:notice the comma between the @VAR{timestamp}
and @VAR{value}
"options": {
"simulationLoopDelay": 1000,
"simulationResponse": "RAND(0,1)",
"responseRegex": "(.+)",
"publishDataFormat": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"logger": {
"Enable": true,
"LogFolder": "<Desktop>\\JADE_LOGS\\@VAR{instanceName}",
"FileNameFormat": "@VAR{instanceName}-@LOG{TIMESTAMP}.csv",
"ErrorsOnly": false,
"DiskThrashPeriod": 1000,
"FileSizeLimit": 1000000,
"StartLogFormat": "Timestamp,Value", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"EndLogFormat": "",
"LogEntryFormat": "@LOG{LOGMESSAGE}",
"LogMessageFormat": "\n@PUB{timestamp},@PUB{value}", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"ErrorLogEntryFormat": "@LOG{ERRORMESSAGE}",
"TimestampFormat": "%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S%3u"
"panel": {
"channel": {
The StartLogFormat
is written just once initially for the column headers and the LogMessageFormat
is processed and written as data is acquired. Notice that we use the @PUB{}
variable container here which allows us to log the timestamp
and value
data corresponding to our publishDataFormat
. This is actually quite useful because we can perform computations against the data there, although we did not in this case to focues on more fundamental concepts. Finally, observe the leading \n
in the LogMessageFormat
which adds a line feed
character before each set of data is written on a new line as desired for a CSV format.
Here’s a snippet of the data file written to the location specified by the LogFolder
and FileNameFormat
configuration elements (where new files are generated according to the FileSizeLimit
The timestamp format here is numeric, but we could have used any timestamp format.
Multiple Charts Plugin Instance: Sensor Chart
Now let’s break down key aspects of the Multiple Charts plugin configuration, which subscribes to the VISA Publisher instance and plots the data in a single chart. The configuration for this plugin is deep because it exposes the ability to independently configure many features such as chart titles, x and y axis labels, annotation labels, computations against the incoming data, the number of charts and the layout for those charts (in this case just one chart), the plots per chart, and more.
Subscribing to the VISA Publisher Plugin Instance
First, we must subscribe to the VISA Publisher
instance, whose instance name in this case was set to Sensor Data
. We do this with the subscribesTo
element, which is an array of plugin instance names:
"subscribesTo": [
"Sensor Data" // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"options": {
"panel": {
"channel": {
Defining Charts
Now, the configuration for the chart is rich, but let’s focus on just the key aspects. First we created a chart named MyChart
under the charts
configuration object:
"subscribesTo": [
"Sensor Data"
"options": {
"samplePeriod": 1000, // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"computations": {
"initializations": {},
"subscriptions": {
"Sensor Data": {
"timestamp": "@SUB{timestamp}", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"value": "@SUB{value}" // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"intermediates": []
"grid": {
"outerMargins": {
"innerGaps": {
"layout": [
["MyChart"] // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"charts": {
"MyChart": {
"properties": {
"plots": [
"name": "Value",
"historyLength": 100,
"data": {
"x": "Float:(@VAR{timestamp})", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"y": "Float:(@VAR{value})" // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"properties": {
"annotation": {
"logger": {
"panel": {
"channel": {
First, notice the computations
element. This is where we handle incoming data and perform computations. Under it we have a subscriptions
element which allows us to handle incoming subscription data directly as it arrives. Under that element we have a Sensor Data
key which is the instance name of our VISA Publisher plugin instance. This is where we put the computations to handle when data arrives from that plugin instance specifically. Finally there, we see that we handle two of the incoming subscription data bits: @SUB{timestamp}
and @SUB{value}
variables. We assign them to timestamp
and value
variables there respectively, and any computations performed here will end up in the @VAR{}
variable container for use elsewhere in configuration.
With that in mind, we can now turn our attention to the plots
element, whch is an array of plot objects. We define a single plot object here. Now focus on the data
element of the plot object, which defines the data for the plot. It sets the x coordinate to the published timestamp
and the y coordinate to the published value
to form points. That is, each time data arrives we perform the subscription computations, which put data into our @VAR{}
data container as previously noted. Then, at the configured samplePeriod
(in this case set to 1000
milliseconds, or 1 second), a point (x,y) is constructed and plotted according to the latest values.
Adding Annotations to Charts
Next, let’s see how we can add annotations to the chart.
"subscribesTo": [
"Sensor Data"
"options": {
"samplePeriod": 1000,
"computations": {
"intermediates": []
"grid": {
"charts": {
"MyChart": {
"properties": {
"plots": [
"name": "Value",
"historyLength": 100,
"data": {
"properties": {
"annotation": {
"enable": true,
"label": {
"template": "Value: @PLOT{yValue}", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"anchorPosition":"TopCenter", // <-- LINE OF INTEREST
"xValueFormat": "%.2f",
"yValueFormat": "%.2f",
"padding": {"x": 0, "y": 10}
"logger": {
"panel": {
"channel": {
Notice the annotation
configuration in our plot object which has a template
defined as Value: @PLOT{yValue}
. This defines how the annotation will display on the chart. The @PLOT{yValue}
is a variable which gets replaced with the yValue of the most recently plotted point. Also notice that the anchorPosition
is TopCenter
which determines where on the chart the annotation displays.
There are two big takeaways from this example. First, with just a bit of configuration we can very quickly acquire, log, and display data. Second, the configuration is often quite rich so that the same plugins can be used in many applications. Investing a bit of time in understanding the configuration for such plugins will help you create full-featured applications quickly.
Related Links
Check out the following links for more information on topics related to this example.
- JSON Intro
- Regex Intro
- JADE Expression Language
- List of Functions
- Symbolic Path Notation
- Format String Syntax